Monday, June 8, 2009

Final Essay 700 + WORDS

US practices (government, capitalism, birth, health care, economic inequality, food, energy)

after the first semester i started to like this class because we moved away from the acutal history such as capitalism an all that, which to me is history. when that was done we moved into social studies actual things that we can use an do in our social life.

BIRTH is somthing that everybody goes an went through, i injoyed hearing diffrent people experience of birth from female to male. i was told what my parents went through to have me an how was it for both my mom an dad. me being my moms 3rd child an my dads first it was cool hearing what they had to say. i never knew that i was born from a c section so yea it was cool.

HEALTH CARE what a crazy section that andy thought us i didnt realize how people health care was so bad in america but in the other country is it better. that goes to show you that america's government doesnt really care much about there own people. i also found this cool because this is somthing that everybody need an with out it we are walking on thin ice because whos to say somthing wont happen to you sooner or later an if you have no health care to pay for you to get better then you might die. o an before i forget, the homeless people that doesnt have health care are treated worst, it is not there fault they can not pay, if they are sick or hurt they should be taken care of.

FOOD UNIT was one of the most section that i can connect to because i am a big eater an learning about how the stores persaude you to buy the things that are right in front of your face as soon as you enter the door, it feels like they are forcing the food on the person that walks in the door, but it is weird how they talk about being healthy but yet they put chips an greasy food in front of the door an apples behind the chips. we also notice the foods are place for peoples eye level for example my eye level had hungry man an for katies it was kid quizen. so i gues i can say the super markets are based off of the people eye level an what will draw them in. another thing that we did during this food section was watch videos that showed us how food that we eat was being mistreated such as pigs,chickens,an cows. all of these animals are not free to do anything they want they are in cages an are not being feed the right stuff. also during this section andy had us watch a few movies name "MEATRIX" an "COWS WITH GUNS", meatrix showed us how animals were being mistreated an how they were speeding up the process of killing the animal for more profit, the fast the humans worked to move the dead animal the more profit the company made. cows with guns was one of the funniest videos i ever seen it showed the cows breaking free an buring down all the buger kings because that is what they were killing the cows to make. but at the end when the human finally stop the cows from destroying the city the chickens came in helicopters to help the cows fight back. i think that this whole section was very interesting because it showed us the damage that humans were doing to the animal population just for money. an i also think andy showed us this video to make us eat more healthy because the way we are eating it will not lead to a good place, things just will get worst an we might just end up eating animal crap if we keeping going the way we going.

ENERGY is our last section that i also found interesting. i have been watching the discovory channel for years, i have been following the videos of the oil falls to the futureistic view of how the earth will look in a few years to the view of how the earth will look with out humans. all of these thing connect to the energy section because everything revolves around oil. andy told us about the collapes of the world if we were to run out of oil, he said that the humans wont beable to survive an he is right. if u think about it everything we use,wear,do, is based off of oil if we keep going the way we going the oil level will drop very fast an i hate to say it but the humans will die unless we find another way to survive with out using oil. the video on the discovery channel of the world with out humans is the best example of how the earth will be when the human die off from the oil lose. an the other video of the futureistic view of earth is a good example showing us how we can live with out using fossil fuel, but using another meathod to survive.

our way of life is not going the right way but if we try to change now we might have a chance to survive. i think it is dumb that we are still using fossil fuel because sooner or later we gonna run out of it. why dont we use somthing that we have alot of such as sun light,air, or even water. but no they want to dig into the earth an try to get oil that will run out soon. were gonna be mad when we cant eat or are struggling to survive. how do your survive with out somthing that we use everyday.
but besides that i really did injoy this class well the 2nd semester i found it more interesting.


  1. I like how you were able to connect to each topic of the course. It shows how geared you were into the American Way of Life. I also like how you imply your favorite was the food topic. I wonder, are you going to change the way your AWOL is or not?

  2. I agree with what your saying about how we are continuing to use fossil fuels even though it is going to run out but my question is now that you know this, Does this make you want to change you lifestyle and if so how will you and if not why not?

  3. Hi Kevaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    Okay well first I really enjoyed reading your final essay because I can really imagine you as I read it. I really liked how you are able to state your feelings and personally are able to connect to each course emotionally, and what knowledge you gained. It really shows how you were really living the American way of life based on what we have learned. And I also wanted to say I am really proud of you kevin, this year for history class you really worked. I really like your observations about the supermarkets and how the people push "healthyness" but yet we all eat junk food.

    By the way, to respond to your comment to my blog: Well i first started being vegetarian mainly because of animal cruetly. Usually for many people being vegetarian is really hard to keep up with for a whole but amazingly for me as soon as i decided to be a vegetarian it came pretty easy to me. I think mainly because I really like animals and sometimes when I look at a piece of meat someone else is eating I don't really think about how it's a piece of animal but if someone were to put a piece of meat on my plate and tell me to eat it I would think about how it was once an animal who was once alive, had feelings, a way of living, and was defenseless. Also I don't believe that anyone should call them selves a vegetarian or vegan unless they are really truly committed to it, because I know some people who say they are vegetarian and yet still eat meat "once in a while".....that stupid son. lol

    Anyways hope that answered your question. :)
