Sunday, May 31, 2009


well i watched the videos an the first one the drawn me in was the cows with a gun. i found it funny. i like the fact that the cows tried to turn back on the humans an burn down the burger king because that is what the cows were being made into "burgers". the song kept repeating cows have fun i guess that meant to show that the cows were not having fun in the farm an now that they can run free they had fun. i didnt like the fact that the humans at the end over powered the cows an was given the order to turn them into woppers. but i did like that the chickens came to help the cows since i guess the chickens also noticed that they were being turned into fast food to. i think this video was to show how the cows would live a good life if they were set free an were to run with the buffalo an not turned into burgers. the cow guru made me think about the meatix because he was the only one that wanted a diffrents in the cow life an in the meatix the pig,chicken, an the cow were the ones that wanted to changed how the animals were being treated an turned into food. sometimes it is funny to see the things that we eat fight back because all the years we have been eating it all of the food want to team up an fight back. me as the person i am i find it funny but also messed up that we have pushed the animals this far to fight back. it is the same thing as a human if you keep pushing a human sooner or later they will fight back an now for the animals there are humans wanting to fight back for the animals because they see what is going on to the animals. the video also showed that the farms are rushing the deaths of cows, it shows the cow sitting down eating getting fatter an then dieing then as soon as it dies they send it to the fast food company an that can also connect to what i seen in meatix when they speed up the process to make more profit. the humans are more focused on getting money then thinking bout the population of the animal. this also connects to the video we watched in class called "VROOM-Farming for Kids" an even the name makes it seem like they are speeding up the process.

before i go i just have to say chickens in a helicopter coming to safe cows if funny

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

FOOD #8 Industrial Food

well the videos that were given i watched the "meatix" series an i was interested i guess because it was animated but beyond that fact. the video showed us how the animals were being mistreated an not keep in a healthy condition which is bad for us when we get to eat it. the video to me was saying due to industrial companies an the work of machines the farms are becoming dirty an are making it bad for us. an also bad for the people who work there. they are more focused on profit an not the health of the human who handles the food. the video had a scene when the humans where bleeding in the food or getting injured because they cut them self from how fast the food was coming at them. an they also showed how the digestive system of the animal with all the blood an all the manure as they said was leaking all over the meat that the workers were cutting.
i notice during the video that as soon as one body or a group of people tried to show people the truth or tried to help the sitution, they sent somebody to take care of them an try not to get them involve. i guess because if them stop them there profit would drop and they did not want that to happen. they took "mofius" away because he tried to teach people what is really happing in the farm now that it is industrial. the cows were being mistreated(not feed right, no sleep,no time to walk around) an even the baby cows were taken away from there mothers an put in a room full of baby cows an they were feed blood which the video said can spread mad cow disease. ooooo an also i noticed that all of the machines that were used,used alot of fossil fuel.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


i just had a better idea of what to bring in for the class im thinking i should just bring in fried chicken wings for the class where it is much cheaper an there will be enough for the whole class to eat an im not focused on the people who cant eat meat im just bringing it in just so people can taste it so dont get mad at me for bringing in chicken

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


well there are two things that i make myself i make the thing i call kc rice. it is rice with onions thats it but it is good not everybody likes onions but it is good to me. another thing that i make is good spagetti i will bring some of that in for the class

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

FOOD # 6

my mom watches the food channel an she is into all of that learning about what healthy an what is not for the human body. but i as a person dont really care because i know that everything we are eating is bad for us so there is no need to try to change up how we eat now. my mom watches oprea an they are always talking about health an food an all that but i dont pay attention to that my main thought about why people are fat is because they eat food then go right to sleep or ether they eat more than there body is sapost to handle an they do not try to get fit. even if you think about it to much of one thing will get you sick to for example to much letice(something that is sapost to be good for the body) is not good for the body because the letice is missing iron which the meat provides for the body. but then if you eat to much meat then you might get sick. an if you havent notice every single thing that they been saying is so called healthy for the body ends up being bad for the body. so after a while all our food that we eat now will just be unhealthy. so me as a person i have no idea what we will do. i guess the only thing we can do is eat what we been eating already but as a smaller portion an also stay away from fast food(mcdonalds,chines, etc), an also with our small protions of food we must also work out or just try to get active some how.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Grocery Store and Habitual Food

well my family eats rice with other things everyday an as rice being a sort grain. we go food shopping every month only because when we do go food shopping we pick up enough food that will last a month. we always pick up fruits such as strawberries,grapes,apples,orange, an some times lemon. one of the main vegetables that we pick up is corn an beans if beans count as a vegetable. the only thing close to a nut that we eat is peanut.

on our little trip to the grocery store i saw that there was 83 different kinds of salsa an the food that was on my eye level was "hungry man" an other people like chelsea or katies eye level was at kid kizzen. the store we went to put chips right in front of the front door im guessing to get the shopper to buy the chips that was filled with salt but then they have fruits right behind that which throws it off.

my fav meal is chicken an rice or mac an cheese mix with hot dog. dont say eww if you never tried it before it is good. i make that when i dont feel like making a big meal. the chicken an rice is if i wanna cook. i dont eat breakfast much i only eat it on the weekend but when i do my fav breakfast meal is potatos,eggs an cheese, an ether bacon or sauage. for lunch which i dont eat much ether it would have to be a chicken cutlet sandwich or a philly cheese stack.

if you think about it i eat alot of cow,pig,chicken an wheats an starches. but i try not to eat to much of everything because to much of one thing is never good for you an because of the swine flu im trying to stay away from pig.

last night i made somthing i call "kc rice" because i make, basicly its chines rice but home made. its rice with onions i had that with some chicken my mom made 2 days ago. i ate that around 6 an i didnt eat anything else for the rest of the night. i only eat ether 1 or 2 meals a day. the store that is around me does make much fast food an they dont sell fruit but they sell mostly everything else like bread,cheese,milk,oatmeal etc. they dont really put things in front of your fast an tell you to buy it like the ships in the store that the class went to.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


i like the food but i didnt like that there was so many people. it was to crowed when i went into the gym there was like no room to walk around an the people behind me was pushing me but im not here to talk about the people im here to talk about what i expernece there. while in the gym i saw a table that was giving away chocolate an they got me hooked. one of the work shops that i stayed for was the lunch food thing an me being one of the students that dont get money to go out to lunch every day i have to go to the lunch room. but what they told us was actualy true, i was shocked that the food that they give to the school is the only thing that they give us. the people at the work shop wanted there to be a more plant based food in the school lunch which i dont mind but then not everybody likes that. an i doubt that s.o.f will even take that into consideration(the plant based food). i think that s.o.f is only trying to save money by giving us the same thing everyday but still after a while it gets gross.

every type of lunch room food is bad for the body i think. its all fake the plan for the more healthy food is not a bad idea but also to much of one thing is also bad for the body. as a person that eats s.o.f lunch food they need to change somthing because it gets worst every year.

an as much that i wanted to go to the work shop of super size me an the chicken in N.Y thing. i couldnt find them this school is huge so i left but i also got lost trying to get out. i was focused on finding those 3 work shops on because i didnt know if i would be interested in the other ones an i didnt want to be rude an just leave there workshop while they was talkin. but i only found 1 that i wanted to learn about, but at least i went an tried, it was a cool experience.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


i had no idea what may day was until we came into class. i dont know much about it but i know its based on socialism an that america doesnt celebrate it because if this country was social it would fall apart only because we are use to people telling us this is the law, u cant do this cant do that. if we ran our own country it would be a mess.that is why i think we are not thought about may day in america because if to many people protest about being social then the government wouldnt have a choice to ether change or make the law a little bit more social.