Wednesday, April 29, 2009


tuesday night i had a turkey,mayonausse,cheese,letus,with salt pepper an vinager with a arizona ice tea. walkin home. with my hands. hunger level 9. talking on aim

wensday i ate school lunch. chicken legs an fries sitting down ice tea.with my fingers. hunger level 5. playing the movie game.

wensday night i had chines food, fries an chicken wings with ice tea sitting down watching south park at my friends house.with my fingers. hunger level 8

Monday, April 27, 2009




1. Should the U.S. move to a Canadian, French, or English model of health care?
2. Would Obama's plan be an improvement - or should we instead pursue single-payer (Canada) or socialist (Britain) healthcare?
3. What are the major problems with the U.S. health care system?
4. What does the U.S.'s lack of guaranteed universal health care and guaranteed vacation show about the "American Way of Life"?
5. What are the emotional, social, and political implications of the lack of guaranteed health care in the US and our relative powerlessness dealing with HMOs? How does this connect with poverty and our government's relationship to capitalist corporations?

as a person that does not pay the medical bill yet i dont think they should move only because i dont know how much i gotta pay for health care. but from we been learning i think we should only because the old guy that we interviewed on the street. who basicly said that america doesnt take care of there own people. so based off what he said i think we should.
i think that we should just follow a different countries health care methods because it seems so much easyer. they dont have to pay an the gov't actualy cares for them.
the major problems with american health care is that they have us pay alot an if some people cant afford it then that person is screwed over because they cant pay for the care they need so america doesnt care bout us at all.
thats a funny question america lacks the fact of actually taken care of the people that needs to be taken care of. america needs to learn from other countries health care so that the people dont move away because there paying to much. there are cases that people die an or ends up poor due to the high pay of health care. because its things people need a human can not fight getting sick that is what happenes. i think its carzy how we gotta pay just to try to make our bodys feel better. america makes it seem like everbody is a superhero an wont get sick. NO were not we do get sick we do die we do need care an if we have to pay alot, alot of american can not afford there care that they need.
as a american im pissed off with america. i am thinking about moving after high school to a different country just for the health care because u can save that money for somthing else.


hot sauce
kool aid
fried fish
3 liter pepsi
left over chines food
a box of cheese
3 cartons of butter
1 gallon milk
2 dozen eggs
an other sauce that i do not know. i have no idea why its in there. like salad dressing when nobody in my house eats salad.
an i have alot of food in the freezeri just dont want to open it.
i guess in my frig it shows alot of things that a person would have to take time to make but most of the things that are home made are more healty because you already know whats in it. america has gotten lazy an only want to use the microwave but not my house we take the time out to cook. there are no tv dinners or anything instint. an because i dont eat much anymore there is alot of food in the frig.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Do you all have health coverage through an HMO or Medicare or CHIP?
yes all of my family has medicare

Have you spent much time in emergency rooms?
no i havent at this age but when i was younger i have

Had any experience with heavy medical bills, confusion over who will pay, and/or denied treatment?
no my medicare pays for everything. or i think, i dont know it has always be confusing to me about how all that work

Have you had wonderful experiences where you were healed by loving doctors with no worries about payment?
no not by a doctor theres always a $15 payment you gotta pay to get checked out or tested

Saturday, April 11, 2009


3/31 we play a normal game of musical chair well thats what we thought. the game showed the idea of competition for jobs or opportunities in the world today. everybody played musical chair one time in there life but Andy explaned it in a diffrent way that day.When you play musical chairs there is always less chairs than people, this showed poverty because there are only so many spots that will get you a good job in America and there are not enough opportunities for everyone which is why we have so many poor people that we have. the game showed that the reason why there are so many poor people is because there are not many chances/opportunities in the world.

4/2 the game we played this day was so much bull shit that it ruined my day because it showed that the rich had so many seats that they couldnt even fit on most of them an while the poor had to share 1 seat it just made me mad. the rich had 5 seat to its self were it can sit confortably while the poor had 1 seat. there was 6 poor people to 1 seat that got me pissed. but Andy was just trying to show how it is in the world right now. the 1 person had a 17.5% share while the poor had 2.2%.

4/3 we play musical chairs once again but this time it showed how the rich own most of the wealth. basicly out of 20 students that was in class that day only 5 was rich, the rich had the right to put there names on the chairs that they owned. once again this showed that all of the rich people are taken up the spots of opportunities for the lower class people.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


the last game we played was musical chairs but it showed how rich people have more seat(chances)in life to become rich an stay rich. the chart that Andy showed us shows that even though the rich people pay more in taxes they do not pay enough to hurt there pockets it is like chump change to them but as for the people who are not rich the taxes hurt them more. in the game Andy put names on the chairs that the "rich" people owned an through out time all of the seats were taken by rich people an that only left 1 or 2 chairs for the poor people. in my mind i think Andy showed us this game to show that the poor people only have 1 slot an the rich have many. i was the only poor person to survive so i felt kinda good to at least be part of the chart even though it was a good thing because out of 5 rich i was the only poor an everybody else in the class must have been the home less. out of 20 students there was only 6 that got a seat. i found it messed up that the rich are so meessed up an couldnt give up a few seats to the homeless but that is how the world is. the people who make over $100,000 a year should be the only people who pay taxes because they are the only ones that can still afford a living after paying it. most people in america cant that is why most are homeless or poor. because they cant afford all the things they need. most people dont make over 20,000 a year an i think Andy said that the proverty lineis 18,000 some people dont even make that an there paying taxes when they cant afford a living for there families an them selfs.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


well the day that the danish people came i did not know we had to be with them all day. i kept walking in an out of the class room because the room was packed with students that were fighting over the danish people (binta) an there were also guys crowding the girls so i didnt care much so i kept leaving an comeing back in just to see if they were still in there. from what i heard the danish life is easyer than american life. i guess because the ones that came were rich from what i heard.