Monday, April 27, 2009


1. Should the U.S. move to a Canadian, French, or English model of health care?
2. Would Obama's plan be an improvement - or should we instead pursue single-payer (Canada) or socialist (Britain) healthcare?
3. What are the major problems with the U.S. health care system?
4. What does the U.S.'s lack of guaranteed universal health care and guaranteed vacation show about the "American Way of Life"?
5. What are the emotional, social, and political implications of the lack of guaranteed health care in the US and our relative powerlessness dealing with HMOs? How does this connect with poverty and our government's relationship to capitalist corporations?

as a person that does not pay the medical bill yet i dont think they should move only because i dont know how much i gotta pay for health care. but from we been learning i think we should only because the old guy that we interviewed on the street. who basicly said that america doesnt take care of there own people. so based off what he said i think we should.
i think that we should just follow a different countries health care methods because it seems so much easyer. they dont have to pay an the gov't actualy cares for them.
the major problems with american health care is that they have us pay alot an if some people cant afford it then that person is screwed over because they cant pay for the care they need so america doesnt care bout us at all.
thats a funny question america lacks the fact of actually taken care of the people that needs to be taken care of. america needs to learn from other countries health care so that the people dont move away because there paying to much. there are cases that people die an or ends up poor due to the high pay of health care. because its things people need a human can not fight getting sick that is what happenes. i think its carzy how we gotta pay just to try to make our bodys feel better. america makes it seem like everbody is a superhero an wont get sick. NO were not we do get sick we do die we do need care an if we have to pay alot, alot of american can not afford there care that they need.
as a american im pissed off with america. i am thinking about moving after high school to a different country just for the health care because u can save that money for somthing else.

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