Sunday, March 15, 2009


a big question that we have been going over in class has been How has Birth been alienated as the years pass?

for the pass few year the AWOB has been tampered with by tech's and drugs that is given to the mother. the more drug that is given to the prego is the more they getaway from a natural birth the body has to go through somthing to show your that it is working right. in class ms. plaza said the female body while it is giving birth goes through many things that you would not expect it would do. our bodys are such a advanced machine that we are able to abdapt to our surroudnings an what our body is going through. most mothers want a all natural birth so that they know that there bodys are still working right. the c section is sort of a way to rush the mother to having the baby faster so that the doc can get paid more ether my having to go to another mother or sometimes they just go an relax or go play golf somewhere .with technology it is starting to rush the mother in the birthing process. at the hospitals the docs have everything they need if somthing goes wrong while the baby is coming out. but at home it is so much less stress full. the technology is just there to make sure everything is going good. back in the day when they didnt have that they just had to deal with whatever happened happened. after what Andy has told us about what drugs do to the baby an the mother after words there is really no use for all the drugs that they give to the mother. for a fact through out the years birth has changes with the updates of technology

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