Friday, February 20, 2009


c- section

the c- section that i saw on you tube wasnt what i thought it would be. i thought it would make me feel sick but it did make me have a feeling in my stomach of me getting stabed. just seeing the baby getting taken out while the mother is sleep make it much easyer for birth. no screamin. because by the time the mother wakes up, the baby would be out she would feel a little bit of pain from the surgry. but there are down falls to c sections. mother can die, lost of lots of blood, put more stress on the human body, and having to stay in the hospital while the cut heals. which takes a while. my mom was there for 2 weeks with her first son. after ward the mother will feel good knowing that the baby is healthy an out of her so she will be happy(if she wanted to have the baby)

vaginal delivary

most of the mothers that are preg would choose a c- section but some actualy do choose a normal birth. there are many down falls to vaginal delivary aslo. lost of blood which might lead to death during birth, alot of pain, lots of drugs so the baby will come out high. while the birth is happing the mother is high from all the drugs, there people yelling at her, people screaming at her push and she is awake for all of this and she is in an uncomfortable postion and it takes a long time. the mother is stressed out and tired so she just wanted the baby out of her. which is why most mothers choose c- section as better way to give birth. the video i watched of the normal birth was weird to me there was lost of fluids involved and just to see the baby come out of the vagina made me a litle grossed out. the vagina streched out so much for a baby."an girls worry about losing there verginaty that is way worst"
it is the females choose of how they wanna have there baby since it is coming out of them unless they have a defect in there body where they have to choose the other way of birth.

Monday, February 9, 2009


  1. how easy is it to get birth control?
  2. the % of teen preg?
  3. the reason for aborstion?
  4. is aborstion influcend on teens?
  5. how do different races compare in preg?
  6. the age for the women having a baby?
  7. the % of miss carage?
  8. what % of guys use condoms?
  9. what % of girls remind guys to use condoms?
  10. what % gets a hiv/aids test just to be save?

Sunday, February 8, 2009


how does the person who gave birth feel about the birth?

my mother was happy both her and my father. she couldnt believe it. she was happy an also said she was blessed that all three of her kids were born healthy. we all had big eyes. my middle brother brian was the biggest one. we all are 9 years apart from each other. she waited 9 years so that she can bond with each one of us before she could have another kid.

was it what they expected?

she expected alot from all 3 of us she knows our strengths an weaknesses because she waited 9 years for all of us. she knew it would be pain involed. but she didnt think she would have to get a c section.

what would have made the birth easyer an better?

with my oldest brother leon she had asthma an it was her first time having a baby. she was in the hospital for 2 weeks over asthma. 24 hours for leon, no meds. the doctor had to take an x-ray because she fell on butt in december while she was pregnate with him an the fall messed up her tail bone. when the x-rays came back it showed that the tail bone was pushing up on the embryotic sack which mad it hard for her to push it out the normal way. so she had a c section. since her tail bone was messed up she had to have a c section for all 3 of us. with me an brian she was in the hospital for 1 week. she took anastasha so she could get knocked out for the surgery for the c section. she says lots of pain after it.

brian(middle bro): 8 pounds 10 ounces
me an leon(oldest): 7 pounds 13 ounces